Pre-natal postpartum planning session to optimize our time together once baby arrives
Nourishing postpartum food and meal preparation
Optional recipe planning from Nourishing Traditions, The First Forty Days, The Fourth Trimester
Postpartum recovery and healing after childbirth through preparing herbal sitz baths, herbal teas, traditional belly binding, castor oil packs, moxibustion treatments
Resources and information that empower you to make informed choices as a new parent on topics such as infant care and sleep, breastfeeding, formula feeding, pumping
Breastfeeding and bottle feeding support
Caring for your baby (and other children) so you can rest
Guidance with newborn care (diapering, bathing, cord care, calming techniques, baby wearing,)
Light housekeeping, laundry, errands
Sibling care and support
Organizing for the baby
Working with parents, a postpartum doula can assist in making the transition to parenthood easier. A postpartum doula does not take over infant care, but supports and assists the family in learning about newborn, self, postpartum healing practices and family care. A postpartum doula will not make or give medical advice, or perform any medical procedures. They do offer education and support, and assists the family in finding answers and resources.